Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reunited and it feels so good!

Yes, I'm quoting Peaches and Herb....

So I realize it's been two weeks and part of that is probably because Chris has been gone and I've been, well, mopey.

But he's back now!  Only for me to leave Thursday for a weekish.  Sigh.

Chris went home for some prep for his upcoming fishing trip to Canada with his dad, uncle, and some other guys.  Now I'm heading back to my parents for my baby brother's high school graduation.  When I say baby brother, I really mean baby brother.  

Needless to say, the fact that I'll be heading home to Kansas for a long weekend to see this kid graduate from high school makes me feel incredibly old.  Douglas, or Duck, as my family refers to him for a really long and silly reason, is probably the most similar to me of my siblings.

He's smart, funny, charismatic, and such a sarcastic little turd that you can't help but laugh and love him.  While our 7 year age difference can make me "uncool" at times, I think he'll agree that he and I get eachother's humor and personality better than anyone else in our family....it probably helps that we're both brilliant. :)

Where on earth has the time gone?  My little faggy (dont ask) is a 17 year old college guy now. He's already joined a fraternity at Kansas State where he'll be studying engineering, and he's promised to buy me a t-shirt and get me tickets to a football game.  What great brother :)  Let's just hope he wont be too cool to be an usher at the wedding :)

Finally, for Jenny and Cindy, who will most likely let out a great big "awwww", I decided to add this final picture of Douglas, who was hands down the most adorable of all the Beebe children.

Why can't he be like that forever?

I'll report back with lots of pictures and stories from my week home, and maybe even have a wedding progress update soon.  Hint:  We have at least 2 groomsmen!  Chris has been busy!

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