Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring sprung and all I got was this crappy humidity...

It's been a crummy high 80 degree day in St. Louis today, and projected 80 something day tomorrow.  Ugh.  I'm not necessarily a cold weather person, but I'd at least enjoy a few weeks of "Spring" if that's possible.  I love sleeping with the windows open and putting off turning on the AC til late May or June. Apparently not in St. Louis....


It's been quite the weekend so far for me. 2 date nights!

Honestly, it's been kind of a weird few weeks with me and Chris.  I don't know exactly what it was.  We didn't argue or fight, just felt more like a funk.  I suppose it's probably normal to have a post engagement lull, once the luster of being engaged wears off, and there's been a lot of emotions flying around this last month.  Needles to say, I couldn't stand it.

Slowly but surely, we're working back into our routine and obnoxious lovey-doveyness.  We've been on 2 dates this weekend.  Last night we had sushi with some friends and  ::Gasp:: Chris actually ate it.  Not just one or two bites, entire rolls.  He even fought me over the last piece of my favorite roll.  Who would've known, raw fish and veggies and he still ate it willingly. Tonight it was just the two of us, at one of our favorite haunts, The Wine Tap.  I had a salmon pizza that was delicious.  I gave up meat for Lent this year, and it has surprisingly been quite easy. Now we're snuggled up on the couch watching baseball (him) and blogging (me).  We desperately needed some down time to just be with each other and relax.

Life is good.  Busy, sometimes chaotic, funny, and so full of love.  I really do adore Chris.  He's my best friend and never ending source of entertainment (He's currently yelling at the tv/Reds game).

I'll leave this post with a few pictures of some ideas for centerpieces I have.  Simple, elegant, sweet. 

MamaThu also found what sound like some pretty cool looking lanterns that could be centerpieces, with or without flowers, to match the rustic feel of the reception venue.  Looks like a trip to Cincy is in order soon :)

Oh and p.s. I booked our engagement photo session for the second week of May, so I am super excited to a. shop for outfits, and b. put Chris through a photoshoot :)

378 days to go!

1 comment:

  1. I like the floating flowers with the candles and the last pieces the best :)
