Thursday, December 9, 2010

Long time no blog...

Ugh, where have I been?  Life took over as usual.

I had a fantastic time in Chicago, and got to see some old friends from college.  Chris was hunting again while I was seeing the city, and he got a deer!

I'm a little freaked out that the poor deer has his tongue hanging out...surely the taxidermist will make him look a little happier when he's mounted.  Chris and I have a running joke about his future "man cave" in our first place together.  There is absolutely no way I'd let him put deer heads up in a place that any guest would see.  Maybe we'll theme a guest room with hunting/fishing decor, though I could see deer heads watching you as you sleep giving people nightmares.

I'm feeling a bit stagnant at the moment as far as wedding planning goes.  I've gotten wrapped up in the holidays and work, and I've only looked at wedding stuff twice in the last 2 weeks I'd guess.  <---that is crazy!  Is something wrong with me? 

I guess once we get through Christmas it'll be easier to focus on planning details, and I hope to have my hands on a credit card from my parents to start putting deposits down for a photographer and reception site.  I'd like to get our engagement session and save the dates out of the way by early next spring.  For now the only thing on the radar is a pre-cana Saturday that I registered us for in February. 

One of my long time friends and bridesmaid, Nisha, is coming up to St. Louis for the weekend tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited for some best friend time.  I know, I know, I've always got something going on. How am I ever going to find the time to plan a wedding or start my Christmas shopping? ;-) 

I hope everyone is enjoying the Holiday season, I know I sure am!

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