Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Someday my name is going to be Kathryn Thumann.  What a strange concept to grasp...

So about this Thumann family I get to be a part of:  Of course there's my Chris, who I could probably write super sweet blogs about, but I'll refrain for now.  He has an older sister Jenny.  I actually have more SLU friends and acquaintances in common with her than Chris, yet somehow we never met in college.  Jenny is super cool and crafty and funny and involved in the community and just awesome.  Can you tell I like her?  She got me my first wedding magazine and then boldly told me what bridesmaids dresses wouldn't fly, what's not to love about that?
Chris' parents, Steve and Cindy, are the nicest people I've ever met.  Steve has a sweet, quiet way about him that is just so comforting and relaxing to be around.  And he has a super funny sarcastic wit, that Chris seems to have inherited.  When Chris and I were home last weekend,  I had a blast following Steve through the woods to stir up some deer for Chris' hunting. He was so patient and pointed out all kinds of signs of deer I would've totally missed.  It's obvious where Chris gets his love for the outdoors.  And Cindy, oh man.  Anyone who knows Mama Thu knows that she is the sweetest lady on the planet.  Seriously, between our shared love for TJ Maxx and my love for her chocolate chip cookies and ice cream sandwiches, I can't imagine a better woman to have as a mother in law.  And I'm not just saying that because I know you're reading this Cindy :)

So here's to being a Thumann, getting a new sister, and all the chocolate chip cookies I could ever want :)  How did I get so lucky with my future in laws?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you left out the part about my dad using his machete on your walk through the woods!
