Saturday, November 13, 2010

Post-engagement Chop

Well I chopped all my hair off.  Unfortunately this is a web cam photo capture, so it's not the best photo quality.  The back is even shorter, no more pony tails for me.  I plan to just let it grow now, getting trims here and there so I'll have a good length by wedding time for hairstyle options.

Speaking of wedding, I somehow got Chris to chat with me a little about dates and I think we've got it narrowed down to March 24 or 31, 2012.  Of course, that could always change once I talk to the church about availability, but late March or maybe early April for sure.  Jenny has supplied me with more options for reception sites, so I'm feeling better about finding the perfect spot.  I'm sure she will be a willing participant to be dragged along to various sites until we find the best place.

Non wedding news: My older brother Tim is en route to the U.S. for a job interview and is extending the trip to visit my parents and come to St. Louis next weekend for a visit.  I haven't seen him since June and he'll be the first of my family to see my ring.  Very Exciting!

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